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Fair Entry Application

Fair Entry is a program that ensures that all Medicine Hat residents have reasonable access to a range of Public Services. The Fair Entry program is designed to assist low-income families/individuals to access programs and supports throughout the city for up to two years (24 months).


To qualify for the Fair Entry Program, you must be a resident of Medicine Hat, and demonstrate your need for assistance. This is done by providing proof of your address, and documents to assess your income level(s).

Income Guidelines

If your total household income falls below the low income cut off, you will be approved for access to the Fair Entry program subsidy/subsidies.

The Low Income Cut Off (LICO) scale is set by Statistics Canada and updated annually.

Current LICO Scale (2023)

Size of family Total income before tax (gross)
1 person $26,127
2 persons $32,525
3 persons $39,986
4 persons $48,550
5 persons $55,064
6 persons $62,103
7 or more persons $69,143


The following subsidy rates are currently offered under the program:

Recreation user fee assistance

Save 75% on regular-priced City of Medicine Hat recreation programs and admissions at City-run swimming pools and leisure centres.

User pays: 25%
Max yearly subsidy amount: $200 per individual in the same household

Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre education programs

Reduced rates for educational programs directly provided by staff of the Esplanade.

User pays: 25%
Max yearly subsidy amount: $200 per individual in the same household


Receive a reduction of up to 75% from the regular price of an age-appropriate monthly transit pass for up to two years. (User must purchase monthly.)

User pays: 25%
Max yearly subsidy amount: $630 per individual in the same household
I'd like access to the following offers (select only the ones you plan to use):