Form Builder

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Lighting for a Cause

The City of Medicine Hat's Lighting for a Cause program is an initiative designed to bolster community spirit while shining a light on important social causes. There are two venues available to book:

  1. Saamis Tepee: $100 per day (minimum) or $250 per week 
  2. Towne Square: $50 per day (minimum) or $150 per week 


I'd like to light: (may select more than one option)


The City of Medicine Hat will display the dates and description of all approved lighting requests on the lighting schedule on our website. *The City of Medicine Hat reserves the right to edit the submitted description.

The City of Medicine Hat does not otherwise advertise a cause or event for which the Tepee or Towne Square is lit but we encourage each organization to raise awareness on their own accord.

Please acknowledge the above advertising considerations

Fees and payment

How would you like to pay the above fee?
I understand that if my application is approved, there is a charge for lighting for a cause

Pursuant to s. 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy Act, the personal information collected on this form is for the purpose of an operating program or activity of the City of Medicine Hat. The City of Medicine Hat must collect personal information directly from the individual that the information is about unless another method of collection is authorized by the individual or by an enactment of Alberta or Canada. The personal information provided will be protected under Part 2 of the Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for processing your application.

Questions regarding the collection and use of personal information can be directed to the FOIPP Head of Local Body at 403-529-8234.

By submitting this application/form you acknowledge and agree that any electronic signature provided by you herein is the same as a handwritten signature for the purposes of legality, validity, enforceability, and admissibility.
