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High Load Request

If you are moving a load with a height of 5.3 metres or higher, the Alberta Electrical Utility Code requires drivers to contact the local electrical utility for escort through the service territory. 

Please allow ten (10) business days to process your request and up to forty (40) days depending on height and route which may require a transmission line outage.


  • 18 to 25 feet: $1,230.35 + GST
  • 25 to 28 feet: $3,565.92 + GST
  • If load exceeds 8.53 meters (28 feet), an estimate will be prepared to confirm escort charge

Contact Info

Load Information


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Do you require "No Parking" signs set up along the route?