Collection Schedule
Residential garbage, yard waste and recycling is collected once per week, with each zone collected on a different day.
Fair Entry
The Fair Entry program helps low income Medicine Hat residents have reasonable access to a range of City programs.
Big Marble Go Centre
Big Marble Go Centre (formerly Family Leisure Centre) offers a wide variety of recreation options for individuals, families and groups to meet, grow, laugh, explore and more.
Medicine Hat Transit
Find information on special transit, route schedules and maps, reload your electronic fare system pass and more on our Transit page.
Land for Sale
The City of Medicine Hat is here to help you, from zoning and site due diligence to determining potential costs. From search to shovel, we look forward to serving you!
Public Input
Shape Your City is the City of Medicine Hat’s online engagement hub. Learn more about topics that affect your community, stay up to date on projects, and share your ideas and feedback. Get involved, have your say and help shape your city!
Have a minute? Take our website survey!
This form is required when seeking property information pursuant to Section 300 of the Municipal Government Act. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact The City of Medicine Hat Assessment Department at 403-529-8114.
This form must be completed, signed and filed with The City of Medicine Hat Assessment Department prior to releasing information to the Owner and/or Agent named in respect to the property described in this form and is only applicable for the 2024 tax year.
If an agent/representative (either individual or corporation) or employee is acting on behalf of the assessed property owner, documentation determining an Authorized Signatory may be required to complete a request.
Agent Authorization Form can be found here.
Authorized Signatories:
-President-Vice President-Chief Executive Officer (CEO)-Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
-Controller-Comptroller-Asset Manager
-Manager of Property and Taxation-Manager of Real Estate-Director of Real Estate-Director of Property and Taxation
Individuals or Corporation(s) listed on a corporate search owning 1% or more of the shares of the corporation owning the property. (Corporate search must be attached.)
Where the owner of the Individuals that swear an Affidavit stating that they have signing authority for the corporation. (Affidavit must be from current year and must be attached.) [Use FORM A found in the Agent Authorization Form found here]
Individuals that have corporate signing authority through a resolution of the corporation. (Resolution must be attached.)
Individuals acting under a Power of Attorney on behalf of the corporation. (Power of Attorney must be attached.)
Where the person signing is a property manager, the City of Medicine Hat will accept the signature of individuals, when supporting documents are provided:
Where the property manager has sworn an Affidavit stating that they have corporate signing authority for the owner of the property in relation to the property assessment. (Affidavit must be from current year and must be attached.) [Use FORM B found in the Agent Authorization Form found here]
Where the property manager can provide a signed contract confirming that they have the authority to act on behalf of the owner of the property in relation to the property assessment. (Contract must be attached)
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