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School Support Declaration (Residential)




All individuals who own property located in a district where a Separate School District exists are required to file a School Support Declaration. If this property is jointly owned with a corporation, a separate declaration for the corporation will need to be filled out as well: This declaration is for:

Consistent with the Constitution of Canada, the School Act provides:

1. That individuals who are Roman Catholic must direct their taxes in support of school to the Roman Catholic separate school district.

2. That all other indivudals must direct their taxes in support of schools to the public school district.

3.  Where two or more individuals (where one or more is Roman Catholic) own property, they must direct their taxes in support of schools to the public school district and the Roman Catholic separate school district in proportion to their ownership. Joint owners are deemed to own the property in equal shares (eg. Two property owners; one Roman Catholic and the other is not: 50% Separate, 50% Public, or three property owners all having equal shares, one Roman Catholic and the other two are not; 33.3% Separate, 66.7% Public).

Therefore I declare that I am of the Roman Catholic Faith
I declare that I am of the Roman Catholic Faith