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Application For The Installation of a Residential On-Street Accessible Parking Stall



Note: The requested residential on-street accessible parking stall must be in front of the applicant's residence. The accessible parking stall is not a private space and is available on a first come first served basis to all vehicles displaying a valid disability placard.

Only requests from applicants in possession of a valid disability placard for vehicle(s) registered to the applicant's address will be considered. 


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By submitting this application/form you acknowledge and agree that any electronic signature provided by you herein is the same as a handwritten signature for the purposes of legality, validity, enforceability, and admissibility.

Signature and Declaration


Privacy Notice and Consent

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.A. 2000 c F-25 Section 33 (c). It is collected so the City may contact you about your application. This information will not be sold or exchanged with any other organizations. Privacy concerns should be directed to the City Clerk by phoning (403) 529-8115.


By selecting "I agree", you confirm and declare that all information provided by you is accurate and complete. You declare, to the best of your knowledge, that your residence meets the installation criteria for an accessible parking stall. You acknowledge that the accessible parking stall is available on a first come first served basis and that any misuse of the stall or violation of the Terms & Conditions may result in removal of the stall.

Terms and Conditions

1. Installation and maintenance - Sign installation and maintenance costs are at the expense of the City.

2. Annual renewal - The applicant shall submit annual Proof of Residency and a valid disability placard.

3. Stall availability - The accessible parking stall is not a private space and is available on a first come first served basis to all vehicles displaying a valid disability placard.

4. No long term storage of vehicles - The accessible parking stall shall not be used for long-term storage of vehicles. The vehicle must be kept in good repair and shall be operational. For the purpose of this system, long-term storage of vehicles is defined as any vehicle parked or left standing on a public street in the same location and not driven or moved in excess of seventy-two (72) hours as per the Public Roads Bylaw #4346.

5. Misuse and removal - An accessible parking stall shall not be misused. Any misuse may result in the removal of the space. Misuse will be determined by the City, but may include the following factors:

• More than three (3) complaints in a one (1) year period

• Repeated misuse even after the receipt of written correspondences from the City

• Failure to provide annual renewal documents

6. City's right to removal - The City may remove any on-street accessible parking stall at any time to improve traffic operations and safety, or to accommodate temporary construction.

7. Appeal process - The applicant may submit a written appeal to the City for consideration in response to applications not approved or City-initiated removal of an on-street accessible parking stall.

By submitting this application you acknowledge and agree that any electronic sinature provided by you herein is the same as a handwritten signature for the purposes of legality, validity, enforceability, and admissibility.


Do you agree to the above terms and conditions:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost to have an on-street accessible parking stall installed?

There is no applicant cost for the installation and maintenance of the accessible parking stall. In cases where passenger side-entry of the applicant’s vehicle is required, the sidewalk or boulevard in front of the proposed accessible parking stall should be unobstructed or mitigated for access at the cost of the home owner prior to installation of the accessible parking stall.

Is the City required to provide on-street accessible parking?

The City is not legally required to provide on-street accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities. The City has the sole discretion to approve or deny any applications.

What is the Installation Criteria for an accessible parking stall?

The following criterion is used in evaluating applications. If a resident with disabilities demonstrates eligibility for the City to install an accessible parking stall by satisfying the criteria set forth below, the City will make an effort to offer an accessible parking stall. The information must be provided by or demonstrated by the applicant:

• Proof of Residency

• Proof of Permanent Disability and Possession of a Disability Placard

• Existing Parking Restrictions

• On Site Parking Evaluation

The City also takes into consideration the following elements to ensure that no significant impacts may result from the installation of an accessible parking stall:

• Existing Parking Restrictions: Existing parking or regulatory restrictions that prohibit parking in front of the applicant’s residence will be evaluated on the ability to accommodate an accessible parking stall.

• Parking Demand: The existing on-street parking demand will be evaluated by the City. There should be no other existing accessible parking stalls within 150 meters of the proposed location.

• Roadway Safety: No unusual roadway characteristics should be present that may impact roadway operations or entry/exit from the driver side of the applicant’s vehicle, such as curves in the roadway or pavement failures.

• On-Site Parking Evaluation: The City will look at the ability to have accessible parking on the resident's property.

 How do I get a disability placard?

In Alberta, disability placards are managed by Service Alberta, and are generally distributed to individuals who are unable to walk unassisted for more than 50 metres, and who need larger stalls to load and unload devices such as walkers and wheelchairs with unobstructed access to the curb. More information can be found at