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Off-Site Levy Estimator

This is a tool to provide developers with an estimate of the amount of Off-Site Levies which are payable for new subdivisions and developments within various areas of the City of Medicine Hat, if such levies are owing.

  • To use this estimator tool, a computer may be more suitable than a mobile device.


View Off-Site Levy Bylaw #4157


Benefitting area

Rate per hectare (2023)

1 - North Reserve Lands $48,813
2 - North West Industrial Park $101,635
3 - Box Springs Business Park $149,968
4 - Brier Park $149,968
5 - Brier Run $33,331
6 - Ranchlands $49,667
7 - Burnside $102,711
8 - Established Area $0*
9 - Airport Lands $63,411
10 - Westvue $59,637
11 - South West Residential $137,736
12 - South East Residential $168,307

  • Off-site levies (OSL) are determined by multiplying the hectares of developable land by the total OSL rates for that benefitting area. If OSL have not been previously paid, it is likely that OSL are owing.
  • Hectares of developable land are determined through a subdivision plan which is completed by a professional Alberta Land Surveyor.
  • Final hectares of developable land (to be used when calculating the off-site levies owing) is determined by Planning & Development Services. This process forms the condition of approval.

*BENEFITTING AREA 8 (Established area)

Land in Area 8 may have levies owing under Schedule C of the Off-Site Levy Bylaw. If a proposed development is located in the following subdivisions, contact Planning & Development Services for confirmation:

  • Box Springs phase 1B2, Event Centre or Power Centre phase 1A
  • Hamptons phase 2A, 2B or 2C
  • Ranchlands phase 2A, 2D, 3A or 3B
  • Saamis Heights phase 7
  • Southlands phase 1, 4, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B or 6C
  • South Vista Heights phase 10 or 11



  • I understand that the off-site levy estimator is intended to provide an estimate only, and does not replace any formal conditions placed on a Subdivision or Development Permit approval, nor a formal confirmation of hectares of land provided by the Planning and Development Services Department.
  • I understand that off-site levy amounts owing on a parcel of land are as per the rates of the date of plan endorsement, and that off-site levy rates are subject to change based on a review of the City of Medicine Hat off-site levy model.
  • I understand that, in the case of a discrepancy between the information provided through the off-site levy estimator and the Off-Site Levy Bylaw, the Bylaw governs.
  • I agree to contact Planning & Development Services to provide a formal estimate if proceeding with a Subdivision or Development Permit application.

Check the box below to continue to the Off-Site Levy Estimator tool:

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