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Public Tree Decorating Application Form

City of Medicine Hat logo



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Terms and Conditions:

  1. Decorating can commence on December 1 and must be taken down no later than January 31.  If take down and subsequent clean up does not occur by this date, the Parks and Recreation will then proceed with clean up and bill the applicant for the work.
  2. No vehicles are permitted to enter a Park without prior approval through a Vehicle Access Permit from the Parks and Recreation department
  3. Use of ladders are permitted but are limited to 6 feet in height.  Use of ladders or other devices to increase height are at your own risk and the City of Medicine Hat is not responsible for any occurrence causing injury or possibly death when using such a device on City of Medicine Hat property.
  4. Only shatter proof decorations are permitted to be used. 
  5. All decorations/lights must be secured to the tree as to not allow them to be subject to wind.  It is not permitted to staple, use nails or any other type of securement device that can cause damage to the tree.  Any litter generated through the decoration process must be removed from site by the applicant.
  6. Lights are permitted but must be solar or battery powered and must state that they are permitted for outdoor use.  It is not permitted to run extension chords or set up any type of power generating apparatus.
  7. Any damage that occurs to the tree that falls within the Tree Preservation Bylaw 4218 may be subject to the section Offences and Penalties, articles 24-29.
  8. Theft or vandalism of the decorations is not the responsibility of the City of Medicine Hat to repair or replace.  It will be the responsibility of the applicant to rectify or remove vandalized decorations within five (5) days of it occurring.
  9. The City of Medicine Hat Parks and Recreation department reserves the right to remove the decorations at any time for any reason deemed appropriate.
  10. The City of Medicine Hat Parks and Recreation department reserves the right to request removal of inappropriate/offensive decorations on a tree.  The applicant may be subject to legislation as it pertains to offences under Canada's Criminal Code.  This type of action by the applicant may result in the applicant having this permit revoked and may eliminate them from future request for this permit.


I have reviewed and accept the Terms and Conditions of the Tree Decoration Permit

By submitting this application/form you acknowledge and agree that any electronic signature provided by you herein is the same as a handwritten signature for the purposes of legality, validity, enforceability, and admissibility.
